🌍 🌎 #Team Hunt 👽👽
🇬🇧 Welcome! This is a place where we the public combine our efforts to better understand our place in the cosmos and further the hunt for E.T. All skillsets are welcome (and needed!). This project will initially involve collection and cleaning of publicly available data, analytics, machine learning and traditional programming to look for new findings.
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🇨🇳 欢迎大家! 希望我们大家的共同努力,可以更好地了解我们在宇宙中的地位,并进一步寻求E.T. 不管您有什么技能,我们都欢迎并且需要您的帮助。该项目最初将涉及收集和清理公开数据,分析,机器学习和传统编程以寻找新发现。
🇵🇱 Witamy! To miejsce, w którym my, publiczność, łączymy nasze wysiłki, aby lepiej zrozumieć nasze miejsce w kosmosie i dalej polować na E.T. Wszystkie zestawy umiejętności są mile widziane (i potrzebne!). Ten projekt będzie początkowo obejmował gromadzenie i czyszczenie publicznie dostępnych danych, analizy, uczenie maszynowe i tradycyjne programowanie w celu znalezienia nowych wyników.
🇪🇸 ¡Bienvenido! Este es un lugar donde el público combina nuestros esfuerzos para comprender mejor nuestro lugar en el cosmos y promover la búsqueda de E.T. Todos los conjuntos de habilidades son bienvenidos (¡y necesarios!). Inicialmente, este proyecto incluirá la recopilación y limpieza de datos disponibles públicamente, análisis, aprendizaje automático y programación tradicional para buscar nuevos hallazgos.
What Can I Do?
Anyone and everyone are welcome, since we have no idea what we can find (or even how to find it) , likely a variety of skilled people will make a difference. As this is an open ended project, the work and tasks that can take place are completely up to us. They can include:
....The List goes on! Below in no special order is a simple list (not complete) of areas we will need help with:
Where Do I Start?
Soon I will start weekly Google Hangouts and Reddit collaboration sessions, until then you can contact me directly.
Contact me!
Mail: murchie85@gmail.com
Twitter: @McMurchie
Linkedin: Adam McMurchie
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Much has changed since the days of the SETI@home project back in 1999, where users could lease out their CPU runtime to SETI to run analytical process on radio signals. This was a superb early demonstration of p2p compute, yet the average person did not have much input into the process.
Involving the public was a step in the right direction, it should now be built upon to give developers & data scientists around the world the ability to contribute their own source code and ideas as to maximise the chances of success.
Some of the best tools, projects, games are open source and produced by the public. Additionally given the recent advances in modern day computing, machine learning and the simplification of analytical techniques I believe we stand a real chance at moving the needle forward in our understanding of science and our place in the cosmos.
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The list below is a high level overview of the things we want to achieve but by no means complete, please add and contribute ideas to help grow our portfolio!
Spot irregularities: Find new anomalies in pre-existing datasets
New Data Generation: Produce new data from existing sources
Identify new phenomena: This could include anything from new exoplanets to reclassifying types of noise into predictable causes.
Moon shot: Classify potential artificial non-human signals, identify new astronomical or other phenomena.
Improve on existing astronomical techniques i.e. exoplanet detection
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As the project has just begun, this list will be updated as the project grows:1. Set up weekly team forum (google hangouts) 2. Recruit 5 core members. 3. Define initial project work. 4. Produce a list of data sources to work with 5. Add teamwide dropbox
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Adam McMurchie 15/Feb/2020
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