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Hi, my name is Adam McMurchie, thanks for visiting!
This site contains blogs, tutorials, projects and tools such as crypto reports all produced by myself. I hope this site can spur inspiration, please get in touch if you have feedback or ideas for collaboration.
My ongoing works can be found here (projects), as well as articles that I have published (articles).

If you are interested in looking directly at my source code, you can find the stuff I share here at Murchie85's GitHub.

My vision is that of a typical futurist - one where humanity is a mutiplanitary but united rather than splintered by bitter historical and social reasons. On this site you will find many of the projects that I am working on. Some projects are learning activities, some are aimed at improving lives of ordinary people and humanity in general. If you want to join - don't hesitate to contact me.

My projects are multifocal, in that they cover Astrophysics, Computing and Webdesign, Linguistics, mathematical modelling and more. Some of the projects are open for members to join, but ultimately as I put all of my time into these, I will be driving the direction of the projects - unless you are highly passionate and willing to spend time.


My Details If you want to get in touch with me, drop an email at or use Social Media below cheers

Project Blogs

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The future of LLMs - A blog generated by an LLM
Nov 05, 2023

AI image

Written by AI: Welcome to the digital jungle, folks – where the trees are made of silicon and the monkeys type in JavaScript. In today's cyber-safari, we’re tracking the elusive beast known as the Large Language Model. It's like a mythical unicorn, only it crunches data instead of frolicking in meadows, and it's less about rainbows and more about predicting your next coffee order. So, slap on your virtual pith helmets and smear some social media mud on your face; we're about to explore the wild and wacky world of what AI might do next—if it doesn't replace us all first. Let's get this techno-party started!"

LowKey Legends: a GameDev and Artificial Intelligence Blog
July 10, 2023

low key legends

My journey in developing a multi-avatar AI assistant app was an intersection of the passion of gaming and AI utility. Diverging from traditional single-assistant models, I leveraged a multi-agent framework, creating an array of AI 'buddies' each specialized in unique tasks, akin to members of a specialist human team. This approach facilitated the formation of an AI network, enhancing user experience through dynamic, human-like interactions. I tackled the challenges of current neural network models with the unique NO-GPT framework, promoting specialization among AI avatars and fostering a more personalized user engagement. This venture has helped bridge the gap between the digital and gaming realms, and I eagerly anticipate the future evolution of AI companions.

May 05, 2019


In China getting a high skilled job, doesn't just make your family proud, it makes your country strong.' In this article I talk from experience about the success story in China and some of the attitudes driving the rapid transformation in tech.

March 26, 2018


How does someone go from coding in their shed to creating a self-sustaining A.I startup? In fact, how did they learn A.I in the first place? Here, I cover some of the key strategies and best practices employed by recent successful startups that are disrupting the game.

September 22, 2017


This is a story about a multifunctional DevOps team and their BAU adoption of DevOps from how tools are best utilised to adopting a multi-functional team that rewards enthusiasm and promotes proactive contribution.

May 28, 2017

Neural Network

The Differentiable Neural Computer is a new breed of A.I that is able to take learnings from one task then apply it to a completely different task. It blends the power of Neural Networks with a detachable read/write memory. This blog gives a high level introduction into the neural computer and its achievements.

Deep Learning & NLP in Finance - Q&A
April 24, 2017

Android Picture

The world of online banking is heading towards a digital reality where questions are no longer answered by humans, but by computers. In the last year alone the number of banks focusing on developing technology to create realistic conversations between humans and robots has risen exponentially. In advance of my talk at the Deep Learning in Finance Summit in London - I cover off some of the high level implications for deep learning in the near future

Personal Blogs

Will We Make It To Mars?
June 12, 2015

Picture of mars

This is a light hearted article that weighs up our chances of succesfully making it to Mars and covers some of the challenges and oportunities ahead. In the recent five years, there has been a lot of interest in the red planet, it has made the big screen with movies like the Martian, Doom, and The Space Between US. There has also been renewed interest from space enthusiasts with companies like SpaceX, Marsone and NASA all mandating Mars as a priority mission.

The Cancer of Patriotism
May 28, 2014

Picture of patriotism quote

Is Patriotism truly benign and virtuous? This article posits that patriotism and nationalism are two sides of the same coffin, where patriotism has favour with the masses due to its positive connotations but has underlying harsh consequences for how we see others and the world.


October 08, 2018


Kubernetes is super HOT right now, this guide helps you hit the ground running by building your own fully provisioned Kubernetes Cluster.

June 08, 2018

Neural Net Picture

Fed up of just talking about AI? Well, lets actually build one. In this tutorial we are going to build a Neural Network in under 30 lines of code in Python, I will break down all lines in the code so that by the end you will have a solid understanding of how machine learning actually works.

Jenkins like a boss - CI integration with AWS
Sep 28, 2017

Jenkins Picture

In this walkthrough I show you a way to optimise Jenkins Continuous Integration by harnessing EC2 instances on AWS allowing us to drive slave nodes on the cloud.

Containerization with Docker
Sep 25, 2017

Docker Picture

Docker is simply awesome, in this tutorial I will give a hands on run through of how to rapidly spin up docker containers and hit the ground running with self contained applicaiton deployments.

Server Virtualisation with Vagrant
Sep 12, 2017

Server Picture

A to the point guide on how to spin up and configure lightweight virtual envirionments and servers using Vagrant.

Reverse Engineering a RAT Virus
Sep 1, 2017

Virus Picture

In this tutorial I show you how to dissect and reverse engineer a javascript RAT Virus code to extract the decoded contents of the malicious binary. This will allow you, and others to perform a proper and thorough analysis - which is critical for understanding how these viruses are manufactured, the mindset of the attacker and to better model future attacks to develop better defences.

Genetic Neural Networks by example - EvoTetris
May 27, 2017

Tetris Picture

This blog takes a look at genetic algorithms by use of example - A customisable genetic algorythm that applies evolutional learning by playing Tetris.

Lets Build a Noodle Ordering App pt2
May 6, 2017

NoodleApp Pic

In the second part of this tutorial we are going to start getting to grips with JAVA OOP by adding interactive functionality to our app. Including allowing the user to enter the amount of noodles they want and display the price. The logic we build here means it will become even easier to add more functionality going forward.

How to Build a JSON REST backend with PHP and mySQL
May 1, 2017

Rest App Pic

In this advanced tutorial, I will be walking through how to build a RESTful API using JSON and my SQL database. There are a lot of tricky concepts here including setting up a database and server on your own computer but I have included step by step instructions along with code snippets each step of the way.

Building an Android App - Naughty Noodles
April 20, 2017

Noodle App Pic

Everyone and their gran has an app idea, or is 'working on an app'. Saying it and doing it though, are two very differeint things. This guide will help you learn the ropes, and give a guide to build your app from scratch to launching in the play store

Game Development for Android
April 10, 2017

Android Picture

Learning to Code games can seem daunting, in this blog I talk about the basics of coding games in Java using the android development kit. I cover off what was easy to pick up, and what took time. I also try to give some high level tips, info and sources for anyone wanting to pick it up

App Development Standards
April 23, 2017

Android Picture

building an app requires the knowledge of at a range of different tools, languages and methods. Here I have included a summary of sources and glossary of terms to be used as a quick start guide for on the fly development.


Below is a high level overview of my experience and skillset, and is by no means a comprehensive breakdown of my domain,technical and specialist knowledge. If you are looking for my professional email, please contact me

My technical breakdown CV
My soft skill breakdown CV


Celestus: The Gossip Town
May 01 2020


Celestus is a hybrid ML/AI platform for modeling the evolution and utility of gossip in society and it's influence on status. Additionally this project includes a 8-bit game like visualisation (in addition to standard reportign) to keep the project engaging. You can play the game and interact with the bots or watch the simulation run at CPU time. The aim is to generate new research that can help us better understand how gossip influenced our species.

Dispersion Wars
April, 2020 - Present


This is the opening chapter of Dispersion Wars, an action Sci-Fi which follows Andrew Forbes: a specialist Mech Tech in UK-27 an elite team assigned to investigate one of many Alien M.O.U.N.D Structures that have been appearing all over the globe.

May 05, 2020


A slightly different take on cybersecurity, information feeds are all from the public, twitter, reddit etc and parsed based upon word of mouth rather than traditional threat intelligence stats. Data, images, tweets and comments are all parsed automatically and do not reflect the opinion of the platform developer (me).

September 16, 2020


A portfolio - all about me!

DeafBlind Konnect
May 05, 2019


We are a small team of experts and are pouring our skills from microelectronics to AI toward bringing new capabilities to the deafblind community. Whilst our invention is still under wraps: Our Konnect device is designed around simplicity and sophistication - analogous to the transition from mobile to smartphone for the deafblind, this is our goal.

Crypto Currency Reports
Jan 05, 2019


The aim of this project is to build an automated predictive and reactive custom built programatic solution for selecting optimal trading pairs based upon historical and current crypto data as well as user balance and limitations (i.e. base pairs, SWOT analysis and profit margin).



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

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Hey My name is Adam McMurchie, I made this site so I can share my tutorials as well as some of my the latest updates in my progress with deep learning, software development and publications. I will also be uploading walkthrough guides in anything I can manage - from how to code games to building a tensorflow chatbot


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
